Journal of Modern Mathematics and Statistics: Journal of Molecular Genetics: Online Journal of Earth Sciences: Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences: Plant Sciences Research
Beginning in January 2012, the Journal of Food Science will publish monthly online issues (12 issues/volume year), an .
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences (PJBS) is an international, peer-reviewed and well indexed scientific journal seeks to promote and disseminate the knowledge .
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (2012 Volume 9)
PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES is a peer reviewed journal. It is published quarterly. It has controlled circulation. We accept original research, review .
The Journal of Medical Sciences (JMedSci) is the official journal of Khyber Medical College Peshawar, Pakistan. We consider articles on all topics pertaining to .
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: Current Issue .
In ScienceNOW Daily News: More Daily News; In Science Signaling. Increasing Synaptic Fidelity; Ligand Size Matters; Submit Your Research
Bahauddin Zakaria University is one of Pakistan's major universities, with its own Royal Charter and a history of service and achievement dating back to 1975. Today .
This is the only scientific peer reviewed journal in Veterinary Sciences in Pakistan. Original research papers, review, extension and clinical articles on the online pakistan journal sciences .
IndexCopernicus Journal Information: Basic online pakistan journal sciences Section : Main title [English] Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: p-ISSN: 1028-8880
Catalogue of journals and science resources, including the journal Nature. Publishes science news and articles across a wide range of scientific fields.
Journal accepts original research, review articles, guest editorials, case reports, short communications, drug trials and letters. Journal accepts original research .
Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences [ ISSN 2221-6413 (Print); ISSN 2223-2559 (Online)] (appearing as issues of January .
. Journal of Social Sciences publishes articles in the social sciences
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